
We publish other user group meeting schedules on a reciprocal basis. If you are a member of another non-profit group, please inform them of our policy and we invite them to exchange meeting information with editors, or call any of the SLUUG officers.

St. Louis Internet Users Group is devoted to discussing issues dealing with the Internet. Each meeting includes a presentation, question and answer session, and a discussion of new resources available on the internet. The STLIUG meeting are held the first Tuesday of each month with the next meeting taking place on July 2 at 6:30pm at One City Place. For directions please visit the STLIUG homepage.

The July meeting will feature Fred Sebestyen and Steve Kauffmann from Technology Builders, Inc. They will demonstrate a new Web application development tool by Spider Technologies called NetDynamics.

NetDynamics is a next generation Web/database application builder that provides developers with a fast, automated environment for leveraging the power of JAVA into innovative business applications. NetDynamics integrates visual development, a high performance JAVA application server, and scalable database access into a robust architecture optimized for rapid delivery of commercial grade Web/database applications. NetDynamics promotes rapid development through the use of graphical wizards and palettes that automatically generate JAVA code, hiding the complexity of building Web/database applications and reducing the effort and cost of deployment.

NetDynamics delivers high performance database access through a robust, distributed application server architecture that ensures scalability within a single system or over multiple machines. It incorporates enhanced security features such as secure session ID, navigation controls, and access privileges that interoperate with industry standard Web and database security mechanisms. It is an open solution, supporting any Web server, any Web browser, any HTML editor, all major database systems and ODBC-compliant databases on both UNIX and PC platforms.

Contact: Jym Barnes at (314)-926-8672 or visit their Web home page.

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), St. Louis Chapter

Meetings: 2nd Monday of the month, 5:30 PM, Grone Cafeteria, 4409 Woodson Road, 2 blocks south of Lambert airport. Dinner at Grone's before the meeting.

Contact Dayle Majors at (314)-441-2895.

The Gateway Area Macintosh User Group (GAMUG)

Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month, 7:00 PM, Parkway Instructional Services Building, 12657 Fee Fee Road, just west of Page and I-270.

Contact: GAMUG Hotline, 664-6972 (voice) or 664-6975 (FAX).

GAMUG SIGS Numerous SIGs are supported by GAMUG, including FileMaker Pro, MIDI/Finale, Desktop Publishing/Prepress, and Education. A Communications SIG and a Programmers SIG meet after the main meeting, and two New User SIGs meet before the meeting, from 5:30 to 6:45 PM.