September 2004

St. Louis UNIX Users Group

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Upcoming Events and Meetings

Wed Sep 8 General Meeting 6:30-9:00pm
  Tutorial: Configuring Devil Linux, by Carl Fitch
  Presentation: Common Linux File Systems, by Todd Schiller
Thu Sep 16 St. Louis LUG 6:30-9:00pm
  Mozilla and Firefox Browsers, by Craig Buchek
Wed Sep 22 Security SIG 6:30-9:00pm
  Hands-on: Security Issues on UNIX and Windows Systems
Thu Sep 23 St. Charles LUG 6:30-9:00pm
Tue Sep 28 Hazelwood LUG 6:30-9:00pm
Wed Oct 6 Steering Committee 6:30-8:30pm

Other OpenSource-Related Events in the Area

Ed Howland asked us to remind you that the Advanced LUG is meeting on Monday, Sept. 13, because he figured no one would show up on Labor Day. If you cannot attend despite his moving the date just for you, you can still participate via IRC.

SLUUG General Meeting
September 8, 2004 6:30 p.m.

We meet at Graybar Electric. Location

Configuring Devil Linux by Carl Fitch

Devil-Linux is a distribution which boots and runs completely from CD-ROM. The configuration can be saved to a floppy diskette or a USB pen drive. Devil Linux was originally intended to be a dedicated firewall/router but now Devil-Linux can also be used as a server for many applications. Attaching an optional hard drive is easy, and many network services are included in the distribution.

The system is designed to install without the use of a hard drive. It requires the use of a CD-ROM and a write-protected floppy. The CD-ROM provides the operating system, and the floppy provides the configuration information, via a tarball that is unpacked into the /etc directory. In this way, the system is fully configurable, yet the running system has no writeable device.

From the Devil Linux homepage.

Main Topic
Common UNIX File Systems by Todd Schiller

The presentation will delve into the concepts of how data is represented and stored, covering such general topics as tree structures, blocks, and journaling. After looking at the general topics, we'll examine the common Linux file systems -- ext2, ext3, ReiserFS, XFS, and JFS -- and look at the nuances of each. Considering how each file system works, we'll discuss their practical advantages and disadvantages. Overall, it won't be amazingly technical; instead it will provide a good, solid foundation to work off of.

Todd Schiller is a Senior at Marquette High School. President and co-founder of the school's Unix Users Group, he likes puppy dogs, sunshine, and long walks on the beach.

St. Louis Linux Users Group
Thursday, September 16, 2004, 6:00 pm
Mozilla and Firebird by Craig Buchek

In this demonstration, Craig will show off some features of the Mozilla and Firefox browsers that some users may not be aware of. He will focus primarily on extensions that add functionality to the default configuration. While Mozilla and Firefox are powerful browsers, it's the XUL extensions that really make it shine. Extensions include toolbars, menu items, developer tools, tabbed browsing, mouse gestures, and even games.

Directions to St. Louis LUG

SLUUG Steering Committee
Wednesday, October 6, 2004, 6:30 pm

The SLUUG Steering Committee meetings are now on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm.

The Steering Committee decides what we do at meetings and other events. SLUUG officers and active members comprise the Steering Committee. Anyone is welcome to attend -- just come to the meeting, listen, and share ideas.

In October, we will meet at St. Louis Bread Company, Olive and Old Olive. Map to St. Louis Bread Company

Articles and News

Technical Recruiter and SLUUG Member Elizabeth Laspe Offers Tips on Job Searches

Microsoft Makes More Open-Source Overtures, eWeek, Aug 30

SUN & Dell Lead Server Sales, while MS Windows and Linux gain over UNIX as Server Operating Systems, IDG News Service, Aug 27

Linux Accounts for only 2% of Retail POS, eWeek, Aug 27

XP SP2 Gives Reasons to Switch to Linux, eWeek, Aug 26

Critical Netscape Flaw Found, IDG News Service, Aug 25

Novell Low-Key on demonstrating Linux Desktop, eWeek, Aug 4

Xandros Introduces Business Linux Desktop, eWeek, July 27