01:12:09 Sean Twiehaus: Tell it like it is Stan 01:13:01 Steven Gomez: A question beforehand... Can you clarify the difference between .ALWAYS & .PHONY. It seems that .ALWAYS may be deprecated,,, can you shed some light on this? 01:20:22 Norman Miller: Leaving the meeting 01:26:52 Steven Gomez: Yes, good point. Otherwise your Makefile will CRASH !! 01:30:31 Steven Gomez: He's shy especially when there's an echo 01:31:32 Steven Gomez: Probably depends on where you are hovering ….hoverin … hovering... 01:37:31 Steven Gomez: Are you aware of methods to automatically regenerate the changes to header (.h) files? 01:43:53 Steven Gomez: So its parenthesis, rather than curly braces ?? May be a subtle error in some of my work... 01:44:51 Steven Gomez: hello needs greet.o and main.o to be compiled prior to linking hello(exe) 01:46:10 Steven Gomez: For a dollar I can shut up !! :) 01:50:22 Steven Gomez: You probably want to note that each LINE of the makefile must be executed as a LINE of shell actions. Because if you CD into a directory on line 1 and 01:50:33 Steven Gomez: Which is what you are now explaining 01:50:53 Steven Gomez: :) :) 02:11:53 Steven Gomez: And weeks 02:15:09 Andrew Denner: I have done similar things with latex before as well. 02:26:43 Sean Twiehaus: Thanks for the presentation. 50% went over my head, but I liked the 50% that I was able to follow. 02:27:09 Andrew Denner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFLvcMiG38w 02:27:48 Andrew Denner: https://github.com/edhowland/Exploring_make_and_Makefiles 02:31:09 Steven Gomez: One was a video, the second one was a GitHub link 02:34:33 Steven Gomez: Can you quickly share that GitHub page? 02:34:37 Craig Buchek: I think it was a mistake for our industry to start using language-specific replacements for make. 02:35:15 Steven Gomez: that would work 02:35:18 Steve Stegmann: Agree 02:36:56 Steven Gomez: Thank you, got it 02:40:51 Andrew Denner: it is like remembering the ln command order, I always have to look it up 02:40:58 Steven Gomez: OK, so why do Lee & Stan have the same icon? 02:48:02 Steven Gomez: Certainly miss pizza & beer !! 02:48:59 Steven Gomez: Who is John Galt? 02:53:49 Steven Gomez: In the meantime, I second the motion for Craig's point about "using language specific replacements for make". True that the replacements may be better for a specific thing, but also require relearning everything for each new language. 02:54:40 Steven Gomez: Whereas Make with its complications, etc, at least can be applied to mostly anything. 02:59:13 Steven Gomez: You can mail in as long as you are actually still alive !! 02:59:31 Andrew Denner: vote early, vote often? 03:00:10 Sean Twiehaus: Has anyone implemented DHCPD with BIND? Is it more of a hassle than just using DNSMASQ which does DNS and DHCP all in one? 03:02:46 Andrew Denner: I know that you can force msbuild to execute goofy things like ant to build java... not that I haven't abused it before 03:04:57 Anonymous Coward recording you: As to why Lee and I (Stan) have the same Icon, it is because we both signed in with the same userid and pass phrase (zoom sucks). 03:10:55 Andrew Denner: that's as bad as creating a new exception named up and throwing it... 03:14:56 Steven Gomez: Yes, legacy maintenance is a major headache. Unfortunately I have seen where it has turned into "job security" for parasitics. 03:15:05 Sean Twiehaus: One of the main reasons Ken Thompson and others created the Go language was because C++ compile times were so long. I don't understand all the details, but could make be part of the reason c++ compilation is so slow compared to Go? 03:17:22 Steven Gomez: I don't think so; make just provides a layer of dependency & layering to "help" with requirements for building a given project set. It could be built without make, but the steps are contained within the makefile for repeatability, not speed. 03:18:22 Steven Gomez: Stan is correct …. Git is an SCM application, of which GitHub is an option to be used... others are Atlassian, etc. 03:18:36 Steven Gomez: SCM Source Code Management 03:19:17 Andrew Denner: GitLab/GitHub et.al. build on top of git... giving you things like CI/CD and pull requests 03:20:19 Louise Morgan: My employer (ATT) is using GitHub as their corporate standard. But not working with it myself, I struggled to follow when I sat in on a presentation. An intro to GIT would be appreciated. 03:21:05 Steven Gomez: And in all of the above your local source code management is "Git" 03:22:37 Steven Gomez: I vote we double it immediately 03:24:23 Andrew Denner: https://denner.co/?page_id=82 03:24:29 Sean Twiehaus: How do we volunteer to give talks? 03:26:40 Lee Lammert: Looks like you did, .. much appreciates! 03:29:14 Steven Gomez: O'Reilly Managing Projects with Make - Oram & Talbott ISBN 0-937175-90-0 03:31:59 Steven Gomez: Pay in double penguins 03:33:48 Andrew Denner: cowsay is still the best 03:36:36 Andrew Denner: sudo apt install sysvbanner 03:38:04 Andrew Denner: lolcat doesn't look as good in x? 03:55:27 Steven Gomez: NetworkManager is from SATAN 03:57:47 Steven Gomez: You probably want to look at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-XXXXX The contents of it are fairly similar to older distros. 03:58:17 Sean Twiehaus: I've been able to rename nmcli connections but not devices. 03:58:29 Andrew Denner: I'm sorry dave, I can't do that! 03:58:36 Steven Gomez: The above is from CentOS 8.2, but will be the same for RHEL 8.2. 03:59:05 Andrew Denner: LaTeX 04:00:18 Steven Gomez: But it seems like the new ENS numbering works very similar to the old ETH references. I also read where (I seem to recall) where ENS is for hard wired connections but wifi will be a different XXX