00:47:17 Lee Lammert: CodeCamp has a good dscription of Normal forms: 00:47:19 Lee Lammert: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/database-normalization-1nf-2nf-3nf-table-examples/ 00:58:40 Lee Lammert: Use "Zoom 200%" in the Zoom Options 01:16:34 Sean T: history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -5 01:30:59 Sean T: emacs *shudder& 01:34:04 Sean T: This thing doesn't have great VIM emulation. Ctrl-I Ctrl-O :bp :bn etc don't work 01:36:42 Sean T: Stan is talking about this: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp 01:37:53 Ron BC: I've already learned something new: `whatis` - did not know about that one. 01:38:48 Sean T: The Args List in Vim is VERY powerfull: http://vimcasts.org/episodes/meet-the-arglist/ 01:45:11 Gary Meyer: Stan's favs = findmnt, pinfo vim -0 rmlint lsblk -f 01:53:31 Lee Lammert: alias shc='egrep '\''^Host'\'' ~/.ssh/config' 01:56:17 Ron BC: Tried to come up with a favourite command, ended up on `complete` 01:56:38 Gary Meyer: Lee's favs = df -Th ( home made shc, sx, tx) 01:57:50 Ron BC: We probably all use `complete` nearly constantly: it's what makes bash's tab-completion work. Without that, would the *nix ecosystem be as popular (productive) as it is? 01:59:09 Ron BC: Also, with `less`, :3n to go to 3rd next file, etc. 02:07:20 Sean T: -R 02:07:49 james Conroy: What about jq? Lets you view and query all the json 02:08:07 John: sorry, gotta run, but have a bunch of notes to try. 02:08:35 Gary Meyer: Ron BC points out = watch less -r or is it less -R 02:08:47 Gary Meyer: Bye John 02:09:28 Gary Meyer: Thanks for cominbg. 02:15:35 Ron BC: watch -d ' ls -l | tail -n 2 ' <-- watch example 02:16:11 Sean T: What about this one? set completion-ignore-case on 02:17:04 Ron BC: That's a good one. 02:18:42 Ron BC: set colored-completion-prefix on <-- perhaps even handier 02:25:45 Sean T: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Readline-Init-File-Syntax.html 02:25:56 Sean T: colored-stats If set to β€˜on’, Readline displays possible completions using different colors to indicate their file type. The color definitions are taken from the value of the LS_COLORS environment variable. The default is β€˜off’. 02:32:40 Ron BC: history -d {entry number} ? 02:33:18 Ron BC: Also, handy history feature in .bashrc: HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %R" 02:34:08 james Conroy: https://starship.rs/ 02:40:50 Sean T: https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/memories 02:56:38 james Conroy: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim 03:00:15 james Conroy: I have to drop, good meeting everyone 03:00:56 Ron BC: I have a calendar (hosted in Nextcloud, natch) that lists a whole host of Tech Meetups across North America, in case anyone's interested: https://bclug.ca 03:02:21 Sean T: Here is a copy of the chat. You can probably download this file. 03:05:01 Sean T: Who needs details 03:05:54 Ron BC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clear_Linux_OS 03:06:02 Sean T: Reacted to "https://en.wikipedia..." with πŸ‘ 03:11:40 Sean T: past my bed time. Have a good evening! 03:21:35 Ron BC: Thanks everyone! 03:22:22 Robert Levitt: Sayonara, all.