00:47:49 Ron BC: What was the software behind that calendar? (Sorry if I missed it, just joined...) 00:49:13 Lee Lammert: Google Calender 00:56:18 Ron BC: I haven't used podman, but have heard nice things about it vis a vis docker / k8s: something about running in userspace? Look forward to learning more... 01:03:53 Sean T: Dan Walsh wrote a good book on Podman : https://www.manning.com/books/podman-in-action I only got a few chapters in, but what I read was very good 01:18:33 tony.c: what if you use vi but are really bad at it? 01:24:06 stan reichardt: Observation: A well done GUI graphical tool can help you learn the command line tool. 01:28:16 tony.c: man namespaces 01:40:09 Steve Gomez: podman.io 01:41:46 tony.c: it only comes up here ... 01:41:47 tony.c: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS-level_virtualization#Implementations 01:41:53 Sean T: Reacted to "https://en.wikipedia..." with 👍 01:48:49 Andrew Denner: ECR is aws 01:50:01 Sean T: This is inside my Podman-machine [user@Desktop ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release Fedora release 37 (Thirty Seven) I just ran dnf update inside there, tons of upgrades needed. Going to apply them and see if something breaks 01:56:42 Sean T: It only broke it a little. Had to restart the Podman machine and restart Podman desktop 02:00:03 MO: would those properties be in the Inspect file?? 02:00:21 Josh Horton: Have a good night everyone. I have to leave a bit early tonight. 02:34:00 Sean T: Podman has something like Watchtower built in: https://docs.podman.io/en/latest/markdown/podman-auto-update.1.html 02:38:10 john Steinmeyer: Sorry guys I don't know what you heard but I stepped away for a few minutes and found the cat walking on the key board and did not notice I became unmuted 02:38:54 Sean T: Here is a link to podman sh that was just mentioned : https://blog.podman.io/2023/08/podman-v4-6-introduces-podmansh-a-revolutionary-login-shell/ 02:50:42 Andrew Denner: I'm guilty of Resume Driven Dev 02:51:00 Andrew Denner: Also conference driven dev 02:58:34 Andrew Denner: A rocky image? 02:59:46 Andrew Denner: In theory you could do a xrdp remote service to do your xorg? 03:01:59 tony.c: https://kubevirt.io/ 03:04:16 tony.c: https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/introducing-red-hat-universal-base-image 03:08:18 Andrew Denner: Thank you! 03:08:25 MO: Thank You! 03:08:32 Chris Bowland: Thank you all! This was great! 03:09:31 Sean T: Thanks Chris, great talk 03:09:59 Chris Bowland: Catch y’all on the flip side 03:10:03 Chris Bowland: Hang loose