St. Louis Unix Users Group St. Louis UNIX Users Group   Your Forum for exchanging information about open standards, open systems, open source, products, services and architectures

Stan Reichardt


Currently Leader of the Newcomer Linux Users Group (NEWLUG) for Linux newcomers.
Currently Leading Advocate of the Saint Louis Computer Club (SLACC).
Currently Vice President St. Louis Unix Users Group (SLUUG).
Currently a member of the SLUUG Board of Governors.
Frequent participant at SLUUG Steering Committee.
Reluctant webmaster for SLUUG web pages.

Extensive hands on experience with Linux and other Operating Systems


  • My start was with hobby computers back in the 1970's while on Active Duty with the U.S. Army Reserve. My interest became professional and with the next 10 years, work included networked mini-computer systems, desktop PCs, help desk support for desktop users, data base programming, Unix System Administration, bulletin boards and more. I retired from active military service as an Information Systems Chief with the U.S. Army Reserve Command, Atlanta Georgia.
  • Contract work followed doing Software Deployment for the U.S. Postal Service, UNIX System Administration for U.S. Army Material Command, Linux Subject Matter Expert for Wave Technologies International, Senior Security Engineer auditing and evaluating security assessments for the Veterans Administration.
  • I have received certifications from CompTIA, the IT Industry Trade Association, and others.

    CompTIA Linux + certification 2005
    CompTIA Security + certification 2005
    Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Level-1 certification 2004

  • I started a beginner friendly user group for Linux newcomers know as the Hazelwood Linux Users Group in November 2000. It has since been renamed and is now known as the NewLinux Users Group . The St. Louis Unix Users Group and other Unix/Linux groups meet monthly in the St. Louis Metro Area. Membership and meetings are free.
  • More

    LPI Study Group participant at Show Me Linux Education Facility
    Subject Matter Expert for Linux Study Guide at Wave Technologies 2000
    End User of Linux on the desktop since 1995
    Various IT consulting employment and volunteer activities since 1994
    Retired Information Systems Chief - US Army 1993
    Unix System Administrator experience since 1987
    Personal Computer instructor and help desk skills since 1985
    Computer programming and Network System Administrator since 1983


    Still likes to drive Ford Pickup Truck.
    Annual subscription with since 2015
    Life member National Rifle Association since age 16.
    Subscriber to Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine since age 15.

    Bio as of 25 September 2021.

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